
Additional insights


  • Shapiro, J.S., Schmid, S., Aguado, L., Sabin, L.R., Cherry, S. and B.R. tenOever. Drosha is an interferon-independent antiviral factor. PNAS. 2014. 111(19): 7108-7113. PMID: 24778219
  • Langlois, R.A, Albrecht, R., Kimble, B., Sutton, T., Shapiro, J., Finch, C., Angel, M., Chua, M.A. Gonzalez-Reiche, A., Xu, K., Perez, D., García-Sastre, A. and B.R. tenOever. Molecular risk mitigation of gain-of-function studies with influenza viruses. Nature Biotechnology. 2013, Aug, 31, 844-847. PMID: 23934176
  • Shapiro, J.S. Processing of virus-derived cytoplasmic primary-microRNAs. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews RNA. 2013, Jul-Aug;4(4). PMID: 23776147
  • Shapiro, J.S., Langlois, R.A., Pham, A.M. and B. R. tenOever. Evidence for a cytoplasmic microprocessor of pri-miRNAs. RNA. 2012, Jul;18(7): 1338-46. PMID: 22635403
  • Backes, S., Shapiro, J.S., Sabin, L.R., Pham, A.M. Reyes, I., Moss, B., Cherry*, S. and B.R. tenOever*. Degradation of host microRNAs by a viral poly(A) polymerase reveals terminal 2’-O-methylation as a protective anti-viral mechanism. Cell Host and Microbe. 2012, Aug;12(2): 200-210. PMID: 22901540
  • Langlois, R.A., Shapiro, J.S., Pham, A.M. and B. R. tenOever. in vivo delivery of cytoplasmic RNA virus-derived miRNAs. Mol. Ther. 2011, Nov. 15,(20)(2):367-75. PMID: 22086233
  • Shapiro, J.S., A. Varble, and B. R. tenOever. Noncanonical cytoplasmic processing of viral microRNAs. RNA. 2010, 16: 2068-74. PMID: 20841420
  • Speaking engagements

  • Keystone Symposia: Gene Silencing by Small RNAs (2012).
  • National Institutes of Health training fellowship: Cytoplasmic processing of viral microRNAs (2012-2013).
  • American Society for Virology 32nd Annual Meeting (2013).