Prior to her director role, Kaydee served as a member of the firm’s litigation practice systems leadership team. In this role, she carried three responsibility sets. First, as manager of the Silicon Valley litigation paralegals, Kaydee recruited and developed paralegal talent, ensuring commitment to excellence in client services by a dedicated team of professionals. Kaydee continues to work with paralegal and litigation support leadership to develop and deploy best practices for the broader practice service set. Second, as a special aide to the firm’s Litigation Practice Group leader, Kaydee led the litigation attorney professional development and training program, including development of internal and externally driven training programs and clinics, client-related training, mentoring programs, and related initiatives. As a particular example, Kaydee spearheaded the development of an in-house Fish/NITA training program and a comprehensive litigation module-based program. Third, Kaydee worked within the Ethics & Risk Management department, specializing in the handling of internal investigations and responses and in the development, implementation, and compliance of related policies and procedures.
At her paralegal manager roots, Kaydee is a seasoned litigation paralegal with nearly 25 years of experience managing all phases of patent, trademark, trade secret, and employment litigation, from pre-suit investigation through trial. Kaydee’s paralegal experience is amplified by her work on hundreds of cases involving a wide range of subject matter and technologies and her participation as lead paralegal in more than 25 trials.
She has been with Fish since 2001.