“An Optical Microfluidic Platform for Spatiotemporal Biofilm Treatment Monitoring,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 26 (December 2015)
“Platforms for Engineering Biomedical Experiments,” IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. PP (September 2014)
“Platforms for Engineering Experimental Biomedical Systems,” INCOSE Insight, Vol. 15, Iss. 4 (December 2012)
Speaking engagements
“Platforms for Engineering Experimental Biomedical Systems,” 22nd Annual INCOSE International Symposium (July 2012)
“Microfluidic Biofilm Observation, Analysis and Treatment (Micro-BOAT) Platform,” Solid State Sensor, Actuator, and Microsystem Workshop (June 2012)
“Growth and Optical Monitoring of Bacterial Biofilms in Microfluidic Integrated Systems,” The Mid-Atlantic Micro/Nano Alliance Symposium (March 2012)
“Growth and Optical Monitoring of Bacterial Biofilms in Microfluidic Integrated Systems,” Fischell Festival (October 20, 2011)
“Development of a Surface Mount Hybrid Low Frequency, Low Intensity Vibration Energy Scavenger,” PowerMEMS 2010 (November - December 2010)
“Assessing and Understanding Deaf Individuals’ Occupations,” National Conference for Undergraduate Research (April 2010)