
Additional insights


  • “An Optical Microfluidic Platform for Spatiotemporal Biofilm Treatment Monitoring,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 26 (December 2015)
  • “Platforms for Engineering Biomedical Experiments,” IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. PP (September 2014)
  • “Platforms for Engineering Experimental Biomedical Systems,” INCOSE Insight, Vol. 15, Iss. 4 (December 2012)
  • Speaking engagements

  • “Platforms for Engineering Experimental Biomedical Systems,” 22nd Annual INCOSE International Symposium (July 2012)
  • “Microfluidic Biofilm Observation, Analysis and Treatment (Micro-BOAT) Platform,” Solid State Sensor, Actuator, and Microsystem Workshop (June 2012)
  • “Growth and Optical Monitoring of Bacterial Biofilms in Microfluidic Integrated Systems,” The Mid-Atlantic Micro/Nano Alliance Symposium (March 2012)
  • “Growth and Optical Monitoring of Bacterial Biofilms in Microfluidic Integrated Systems,” Fischell Festival (October 20, 2011)
  • “Development of a Surface Mount Hybrid Low Frequency, Low Intensity Vibration Energy Scavenger,” PowerMEMS 2010 (November - December 2010)
  • “Assessing and Understanding Deaf Individuals’ Occupations,” National Conference for Undergraduate Research (April 2010)