Michael J. Ballanco is a litigator with extensive experience across a range of venues, including District Court, the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals, the International Trade Commission, and the Patent Trial and Appeal Board. Known for his flexibility, Michael’s broad experience allows him to play a variety of roles when preparing for trial and to provide leadership and support across the entire case team.
In addition to his patent litigation work, Michael has experience with trademark litigation and disputes surrounding patent license agreements. In recent years, Michael has also done extensive work in the patent damages arena, helping his clients determine the potential damages at stake in litigation across a range of industries and technologies. In one significant matter in which he represented a large technology company, he successfully petitioned to exclude both opposing damages experts, which ultimately prevented the matter from going to trial. Michael also participated in the appeal of the damages decision, which was affirmed by the Federal Circuit.
Michael’s talent for appellate representation stems in part from several years of experience as a judicial law clerk for the Honorable Kara F. Stoll of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, where he has briefed and argued cases.
Beyond his litigation work, Michael’s practice includes pro bono representation of death row inmates seeking to overturn wrongful convictions. In his free time, Michael enjoys collecting vinyl records and hiking and skiing with his three children.