
Additional insights


  • “Intelligence Algorithms for Navigation in an Autonomous Ground Vehicle,” IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Conference, San Francisco, California (2012)
  • “A Human-Computer Interface Design Using Automatic Gaze Tracking,” The International Conference on Signal Processing, Beijing, China (2012)
  • “Application of Parallelized Software Architecture to an Autonomous Ground Vehicle,” IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Conference, San Francisco, California (2011)
  • Speaking engagements

  • “Development of a Process to Characterize Hardware for High Fidelity End-to-End Communications Emulation,” International Aeronautical Conference, Naples, Italy (2012)
  • “Humanoids at the Assistive Robotics Competition: Robowaiter 2012,” The International Conference on Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications, Gwangju, South Korea (2012)